The “Creative Art” workshop is a journey in territories where natural processes of morphogenesis tamper in the cultural ecosystem, exploring different ways of generating and representing ideas (as well as the intricate interplay between these two creative conditions) through art concepts applied as an intensive search for spatial conditions in order to configure architectonical spaces. The workshop is directed to undergraduate students (1st to 3rd year, facolty of Architecture, AIU), with little or no knowledge of digital generative tools. Aim of this course is to give students insights on different ways to generate and represent ideas combining exercises based on art examples and nature processes as paradigms. The goal will be achieved through theoretical classes, personal research and practical workshops.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

[.] 13. 20100117 :: The Final Presentation

Final presentation :
At the end of 2 weeks the students presented the final work of the workshop to an international and local jury .
AIU president ,Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghani Maa Bared attended the event and was impressed with the works accomplished  in just 12 days part time work
Arch.Prof.Muhsen Maksoud(AIU Chairman)
Dr.Prof.Paul Shenyara (AIU dean – faculty of architecture)
Dr.Prof.Bourhan Tayara
Dr.Prof.Hala Tuffaha(AIU vice dean – faculty of architecture)
Dr.Prof.Artist.Buthayna Ali

The progress made by the students over the 2 weeks period was quite outstanding.
We all did the last weightlifting together and finished this workshop with excellence,
elegance, beauty and performance...


  1. تجربة ناجحة ستعمم قريبا على معظم المواد
    Successful experiment, it will be circulated soon on most of the subjects in architecture faculty.

    Arch.Muhsen Maksoud (AIU Chairman)

  2. مبروك لطلاب الجامعة" يلي بيشرفوا" الجامعة العربية الدولية بأفكارهم الجريئة التي لا تقل عن أفكار الطلاب في الجامعات العالمية
    Congratulations to AIU students “Faculty of Architecture”, which we are all proud of you and your confidently ideas that are no less comparing with the ideas of students in international universities.

    Arch.Muhsen Maksoud (AIU Chairman)

  3. WE are proud too, to be AIU students... and thank you for us giving the chance to be a part of such experience... hope we will have more of these.. my friends and I will be the first to join.. :)
